Scarlet macaws at Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

Nature & Wildlife Travel Agents & Reviews

Ratings of Zicasso's Service

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Zicasso connects you to top travel agencies specializing in Nature & Wildlife vacations

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Life-Enriching Travel

  1. 1.

    Trips curated by the world’s top destination experts

  2. 2.

    Concierge-level service leading up to and during your trip

  3. 3.

    Unique, exclusive experiences and insider access

Ratings of Zicasso's Service
Travel agent Kent in Africa

Kent's Travel Agency


 Based on 82 reviews

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Verified Review

Amanda K.
Submitted on 10.13.2024

This was a trip of a lifetime! The details large and small were flawless, leaving us to enjoy the trip with no worries.

We started in Kenya. All accommodations were beautifully appointed and the staff were very friendly. The locations were strategic, allowing us to view different animals based on the area. Our first stop was Lewa Conservancy, where the rhinos and the grazing animals were the highlight. Then, in Maasai Mara, the migration and hippos were the draw. We also viewed the migration from a hot-air balloon, which gave a different perspective. Naboisho Conservancy is known for its cats and it did not disappoint. We saw leopards, a lion pride with 17 babies, and a cheetah hunting a gazelle.

We then traveled to Uganda to visit the gorillas and were nervous because it was considered a level 3 advisory by the US Department of State. However, once we were there, we felt very comfortable and were glad we went. Trekking with the gorillas was a highlight of our trip. We did two trips and each was very different.

The small details like the transfers, having help through the airports, and ensuring we had packed lunches when traveling from one location to another were flawless. This trip was complicated and on past trips the transfers were always the weak link. Zicasso’s travel company nailed it.

We would highly recommend this trip!

Travel agent Dan in South Africa

Dan's Travel Agency


 Based on 130 reviews

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South Africa
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Verified Review

Kevin E.
Submitted on 10.14.2024

Zicasso's travel company was exceptional from beginning to end. They presented us with many options based on our preferences and had great advice on how to make the most of our once-in-a-lifetime trip. The lodges we stayed at on safari were wonderful, the staff took care of every need and the trackers/rangers were very knowledgeable and made our game drives so memorable. We really got to know everyone while we were there.

The beach getaway to Mozambique was also a great suggestion. The boutique hotel catered to us throughout our stay, offering incredible personal service, privacy when desired, and suggestions to make our stay even better. The day trip to Bazaruto Island was perfect.

Our agents answered every question we had throughout the planning process and made the entire trip seamless, with every detail covered.

I could not have imagined how smoothly everything would go; the stays, transfers etc. It couldn't have been better.

Rachel's Travel Agency


 Based on 179 reviews

See Rachel's profile


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South Africa

Verified Review

Robert H.
Submitted on 10.26.2024

Zicasso’s trip planner created the perfect honeymoon for us. She was helpful with her suggestions, asked the right questions, was budget-conscious, and amazing every step of the way.

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Mauricio's Travel Agency


 Based on 4 reviews

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Costa Rica

Verified Review

Allie L.
Submitted on 3.7.2023

Mauricio was absolutely wonderful! He spoke on the phone with us multiple times in planning our trip to make sure we were getting exactly the experience we were looking for asking about the level of adventure we were seeking, our favorite activities, and had suggestions that we hadn't even considered. It made us feel so excited that he was as invested in our experience being fun and unique as we were! Once we arrived in Costa Rica, we felt immediately welcomed with little stuffed sloth friends greeting us in our airport transfer. Everything wildly exceeded our expectations! Our accommodations were AMAZING and wildly exceeded our expectations. All of our guides were so personable and fun, and Mauricio somehow managed to always have us be with a small group or have private excursions. The cherry on top was how communicative he was during our trip to make sure that we were having an excellent time!

Travel agent Steven in New Zealand office

Steven's Travel Agency


 Based on 153 reviews

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New Zealand

Verified Review

Anne M.
Submitted on 8.7.2024

We have just returned from our first two-week visit to Australia. We are a family of four, with kids aged 18 and 16. Considering the size of Australia, the time of the year, and length of the trip, we used Zicasso's travel partner to help plan our perfect trip. Our agent listened to what we were interested in and planned the best trip for us! We spent time in Sydney, Port Douglas, and Uluru. Our domestic flights, accommodations, transfers, tours, and excursions were all planned perfectly and without hiccups. She was available during our trip for any and all last-minute questions and changes. I would highly recommend our travel company and we will be using them again when we check out New Zealand!

Travel Agent Catalina in Costa Rica

Catalina's Travel Agency


 Based on 80 reviews

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Costa Rica
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Verified Review

Brenda L.
Submitted on 8.3.2024

My husband and I planned this trip to Costa Rica as a gift for my grandson, age 13, and granddaughter, age 10. Most impressive was the Zicasso travel agent's choice of hotels.

In Arenal, we had a very spacious two-bedroom, two-bath unit. The master suite included an enormous spa which entertained the kids when a thunderstorm prevented them from enjoying the pool. This was a very safe, family-friendly resort overlooking the volcano. There were several hot springs and a swimming pool that we took advantage of. Breakfast was good and offered plenty of variety.

The hotel in Manuel Antonio was conveniently located within walking distance of an array of good restaurants. The unit was a modern three-bedroom, two-bath unit and the elevator took you directly to your unit.

In addition to the fabulous accommodations, every activity we booked went as planned and everyone showed up on time.

Travel agent Alfonso in Galapagos

Alfonso's Travel Agency


 Based on 59 reviews

See Alfonso's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador

Verified Review

Donalyn R.
Submitted on 9.22.2024

We had an incredible experience with Zicasso’s trip planners! Our agent curated such a phenomenal trip for us! She was patient with my questions and eased my concerns. She listened to our goals and hopes, and made things just about perfect!! We felt such comfort with our guides and drivers, and the tours and excursions were more wonderful than I ever thought possible! Our travel company helped open our eyes and hearts to the beauty of Ecuador and its people. I highly recommend this agency! They were amazing!!

Travel agent Mercedes in Costa Rica

Mercedes' Travel Agency


 Based on 24 reviews

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Costa Rica

Verified Review

Veronica S.
Submitted on 7.31.2022

We made a last-minute request for a long (16 days) and complicated honeymoon itinerary in Costa Rica. Mercedes and the travel company team moved mountains to make our honeymoon dream a reality. My wife and I decided on Costa Rica only after our wedding and days before our vacation window closed. Mercedes with the travel company had to reassure us and manage our stress as well as wrangle many unique reservations on a very tight deadline.

I normally plan my own vacations, but given the complexity and deadline we needed help and reached out to Zicasso.  We interviewed a few travel agents recommended by Zicasso and Mercedes was the most organized with her presentation of options and the overall plan. She was very patient with us as we established trust and added numerous requests and changes. Being willing to jump on video calls with us was key in building that trust. She was very helpful in explaining the options and reassuring us that our travel goals would be met. We’ve never spent anywhere near this much on a trip before.

Mercedes has the connections! She has done the tours and gone to the places. Everywhere we went our naturalist guides seemed to be the best at what they did for that location. In Manuel Antonio, our guide had to reschedule with us, and it was worth the time change to stick with him!   We loved all of the hotels that we stayed at as well.  They were all unique and seemed to become even more impressive as our trip progressed.

Mercedes herself even greeted us at the airport. I’m a bit of a nervous traveler and worried about being taken advantage of outside of airports. None of that was an issue with her there and introducing us to our first driver.  She provided daily itinerary details and updates on an app while in CR. Replies on the app were quick when we had questions or requests.

Drivers are on staff and so most of our connections no matter where in the country were made by the same person or someone else on staff. We got very emotionally attached to one driver especially. All the staff speaks English very well, but we especially enjoyed our driver’s patience as we practiced our Spanish with her and asked her touristy questions about what we were experiencing.

We usually rent a car on vacations, and really only accepted the hired drivers as a consequence of needing to plan this trip with help on short notice, but my views have changed.  Especially in a new country, I would recommend it, not even for safety on the road, but for the chance to meet new people and relax and view the scenery.   There is a lot of beautiful scenery to see in CR!!!Finally, Mercedes made sure that we had a true honeymoon experience.  Most of our hotel rooms were decorated in honeymoon fashion--flowers, fruit bowls, chocolates, and wine/champagne.  We really appreciated the details and the delicious fruits.  (Especially, the chocolate-covered strawberries at the hotel near Manual Antonio!!! 

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